ISTC is a form of MEA that represents a system of economic relations in the field of intersection of science, technology, production, services and trade and exists on the basis of common, pre-determined and agreed intentions enshrined in international economic agreements.
Structure of the ISTC:
- Creation of coordinating international programs, joint scientific and technical research.
- International licensing, exchange of scientific and technical documents, patents, licenses.
- International engineering.
- Cooperation in training scientific, engineering and technical personnel.
- Holding international scientific and technical conferences and symposia.
- Creation and functioning of international research institutes and organizations.
- Development of scientific and technical forecasts.
- Priority directions of the ISTC development:
- Electronization and automation of production processes.
- Reliable peaceful use of nuclear energy.
- Expanding the practical use of biotechnology and genetic engineering (cloning).
- Space research.
Intellectual property and the global technology market
Intellectual property can be defined as relations between people arising from the appropriation, possession, use and disposal of intellectual property results.
The subject (object) of intellectual property is:
- new technologies,
- scientific discoveries
- inventions
- production and other experience,
- know-how,
- experimental or industrial samples of equipment,
- apparatus
- tools,
- technological lines,
- documentation,
- production methods.
Intellectual property is the possession of an exclusive right that determines the exclusion and restriction of access, transfer, control and liability in relation to an intellectual property object.
The certificate of intellectual property is a patent, which is a document issued by a competent state authority for a certain period of time to an inventor or his successor, certifying authorship and exclusive right to an invention.
The problem with international patenting is that different countries have different rules for patenting. In the United States, the Patent Office must decide who is the first, true and original inventor, and the time of filing an application for an invention does not play any role, as is the practice in Europe (with the inventor himself remaining unknown).